// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Boros // CREATOR : Lany_Chabot_Laroche // FORMAT : Vintage 1 [TE] Lotus Petal 1 [A] Mox Ruby 1 [A] Mox Pearl 1 [A] Mox Jet 1 [AQ] Strip Mine 1 [SOK] Kataki, War's Wage 1 [A] Black Lotus 2 [A] Swords to Plowshares 2 [EX] Price of Progress 2 [CHK] Isamaru, Hound of Konda 2 [ON] Wooded Foothills 2 [OD] Reckless Charge 2 [WL] Null Rod 2 [IA] Pyroblast 3 [CS] Jötun Grunt 3 [A] Lightning Bolt 3 [A] Badlands 3 [US] Duress 3 [DIS] Hide / Seek 4 [TE] Wasteland 4 [A] Plateau 4 [RAV] Dark Confidant 4 [A] Savannah Lions 4 [ON] Bloodstained Mire 4 [TE] Jackal Pup SB: 1 [A] Red Elemental Blast SB: 1 [A] Demonic Tutor SB: 1 [IA] Demonic Consultation SB: 2 [GP] Shattering Spree SB: 2 [DK] Tormod's Crypt SB: 3 [SC] Pyrostatic Pillar SB: 3 [CHK] Kami of Ancient Law SB: 2 [IA] Pyroblast