// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Jeskai Midrange // CREATOR : hypgn0sis // FORMAT : Standard 2 [BFZ] Prairie Stream 4 [KTK] Polluted Delta 1 [BFZ] Plains 2 [BFZ] Mountain 2 [BFZ] Island 4 [KTK] Flooded Strand 4 [KTK] Bloodstained Mire 3 [ORI] Battlefield Forge 2 [FRF] Valorous Stance 2 [DTK] Ojutai's Command 3 [ORI] Fiery Impulse 2 [KTK] Dig Through Time 4 [KTK] Crackling Doom 1 [FRF] Tasigur, the Golden Fang 3 [FRF] Soulfire Grand Master 4 [KTK] Mantis Rider 4 [ORI] Jace, Vryn's Prodigy 4 [ORI] Hangarback Walker 2 [BFZ] Dragonmaster Outcast 2 [KTK] Butcher of the Horde 2 [BFZ] Gideon, Ally of Zendikar 1 [BFZ] Sunken Hollow 2 [BFZ] Smoldering Marsh