// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Instant Reanimator // CREATOR : Meanmrmustard // FORMAT : Modern 2 [BFZ] Swamp 1 [GTC] Sacred Foundry 1 [BFZ] Plains 1 [BFZ] Mountain 4 [ISD] Liliana of the Veil 3 [CHK] Kiki-Jiki, Mirror Breaker 3 [GTC] Obzedat, Ghost Council 4 [AVR] Restoration Angel 4 [DKA] Faithless Looting 4 [ROE] Inquisition of Kozilek 3 [DKA] Lingering Souls 2 [BFZ] Painful Truths 4 [BOK] Goryo's Vengeance 4 [M11] Lightning Bolt 2 [CFX] Path to Exile 4 [ZEN] Arid Mesa 4 [SOM] Blackcleave Cliffs 1 [RTR] Blood Crypt 3 [ISD] Clifftop Retreat 2 [GTC] Godless Shrine 4 [ZEN] Marsh Flats SB: 1 [DGM] Wear / Tear SB: 2 [ISD] Stony Silence SB: 3 [ROE] Lone Missionary SB: 1 [M12] Grim Lavamancer SB: 2 [SHM] Fulminator Mage SB: 2 [DTK] Duress SB: 1 [BFZ] Crumble to Dust SB: 2 [THS] Anger of the Gods SB: 1 [DKA] Lingering Souls