// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Mono Black Midrange // CREATOR : hoyleus // FORMAT : Pauper 17 [A] Swamp 1 [WWK] Bojuka Bog 3 [ON] Barren Moor 1 [A] Pestilence 1 [AN] Oubliette 2 [TSP] Tendrils of Corruption 2 [NPH] Geth's Verdict 2 [ZEN] Disfigure 1 [MR] Wrench Mind 3 [UL] Unearth 4 [M10] Sign in Blood 1 [US] Corrupt 4 [TO] Chainer's Edict 4 [AP] Phyrexian Rager 1 [M11] Liliana's Specter 2 [FRF] Gurmag Angler 4 [THS] Gray Merchant of Asphodel 3 [AN] Cuombajj Witches 4 [DS] Chittering Rats SB: 2 [SOM] Nihil Spellbomb SB: 1 [JOU] Font of Return SB: 1 [DS] Echoing Decay SB: 2 [US] Duress SB: 1 [VI] Crypt Rats SB: 2 [MI] Choking Sands SB: 3 [TE] Bottle Gnomes SB: 1 [AN] Oubliette SB: 2 [MR] Wrench Mind