// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Golgari Aggro // CREATOR : Legion273 // FORMAT : Standard 4 [OGW] Nissa, Voice of Zendikar 3 [AER] Rishkar, Peema Renegade 4 [OGW] Sylvan Advocate 3 [SOI] Tireless Tracker 4 [KLD] Verdurous Gearhulk 4 [AER] Walking Ballista 4 [AER] Winding Constrictor 2 [BFZ] Ruinous Path 4 [AER] Fatal Push 3 [OGW] Grasp of Darkness 1 [AER] Aethersphere Harvester 4 [KLD] Blooming Marsh 3 [BFZ] Evolving Wilds 7 [KLD] Forest 4 [OGW] Hissing Quagmire 6 [KLD] Swamp SB: 1 [SOI] Tireless Tracker SB: 1 [KLD] Appetite for the Unnatural SB: 1 [OGW] Kalitas, Traitor of Ghet SB: 1 [AER] Lifecrafter's Bestiary SB: 1 [EMN] Liliana, the Last Hope SB: 1 [EMN] Murder SB: 1 [OGW] Natural State SB: 1 [KLD] Nissa, Vital Force SB: 1 [KLD] Noxious Gearhulk SB: 1 [BFZ] Ob Nixilis Reignited SB: 1 [SOI] The Gitrog Monster SB: 1 [SOI] To the Slaughter SB: 2 [BFZ] Transgress the Mind SB: 1 [AER] Yahenni's Expertise