// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Dragon Stompy // CREATOR : Justin_Ventura // FORMAT : Legacy 4 [DK] Blood Moon 4 [SOI] Sin Prodder 4 [FUT] Magus of the Moon 4 [PLC] Simian Spirit Guide 4 [C15] Fiery Confluence 4 [KLD] Chandra, Torch of Defiance 1 [EMN] Collective Defiance 1 [ORI] Pia and Kiran Nalaar 3 [DS] Trinisphere 4 [MR] Chrome Mox 4 [MR] Chalice of the Void 4 [M15] Goblin Rabblemaster 4 [EX] City of Traitors 4 [TE] Ancient Tomb 11 [A] Mountain SB: 4 [PLC] Sulfur Elemental SB: 3 [SH] Ensnaring Bridge SB: 4 [TSP] Sudden Shock SB: 4 [GP] Leyline of the Void