// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Mono Black Control // CREATOR : tarkanmag // FORMAT : Pauper 1 [CS] Grim Harvest 1 [DS] Echoing Decay 1 [DKA] Tragic Slip 2 [EVE] Unmake 2 [ISD] Victim of Night 3 [US] Corrupt 3 [TO] Chainer's Edict 3 [ISD] Dead Weight 3 [US] Duress 4 [M10] Sign in Blood 4 [TSP] Tendrils of Corruption 1 [SC] Twisted Abomination 2 [FRF] Gurmag Angler 3 [VI] Crypt Rats 4 [AP] Phyrexian Rager 3 [ON] Barren Moor 20 [A] Swamp SB: 2 [ALA] Relic of Progenitus SB: 2 [EX] Nausea SB: 3 [CHK] Distress SB: 2 [AN] Cuombajj Witches SB: 4 [MI] Choking Sands SB: 1 [EVE] Unmake SB: 1 [FRF] Gurmag Angler