// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Esper Control // CREATOR : Luccas_Gabriel_Da_Silva // FORMAT : Standard 3 [] Teferi, Hero of Dominaria 1 [AKH] Forsake the Worldly 2 [] Syncopate 3 [KLD] Glimmer of Genius 1 [AKH] Commit / Memory 3 [AKH] Essence Scatter 3 [AER] Fatal Push 4 [XLN] Vraska's Contempt 4 [AER] Disallow 3 [] Cast Down 2 [XLN] Search for Azcanta 1 [HOU] The Scarab God 3 [KLD] Torrential Gearhulk 1 [] Plains 4 [] Swamp 4 [AKH] Fetid Pools 2 [] Island 3 [XLN] Glacial Fortress 4 [AKH] Irrigated Farmland 4 [XLN] Drowned Catacomb 3 [] Isolated Chapel 2 [XLN] Field of Ruin SB: 2 [] The Eldest Reborn SB: 3 [] Negate SB: 2 [XLN] Arguel's Blood Fast SB: 1 [HOU] Bontu's Last Reckoning SB: 2 [] Lyra Dawnbringer SB: 3 [] Knight of Malice SB: 1 [AER] Baral, Chief of Compliance SB: 1 [AKH] Forsake the Worldly