// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Jeskai Midrange // CREATOR : Sren_T. // FORMAT : Highlander 1 [M14] Young Pyromancer 1 [AP] Lightning Angel 1 [EMN] Thalia, Heretic Cathar 1 [UL] Miscalculation 1 [CFX] Path to Exile 1 [SHM] Kitchen Finks 1 [ORI] Jace, Vryn's Prodigy 1 [XLN] Search for Azcanta 1 [RTR] Supreme Verdict 1 [A] Wrath of God 1 [ALA] Ajani Vengeant 1 [BFZ] Gideon, Ally of Zendikar 1 [ALA] Elspeth, Knight-Errant 1 [WWK] Jace, the Mind Sculptor 1 [] Teferi, Hero of Dominaria 1 [AL] Force of Will 1 [M13] Thundermaw Hellkite 1 [NPH] Batterskull 1 [MM] Bribery 1 [SOI] Archangel Avacyn 1 [A] Mountain 2 [A] Plains 4 [A] Island 1 [EVE] Rugged Prairie 1 [CNS] Council's Judgment 1 [KTK] Mantis Rider 1 [M10] Glacial Fortress 1 [EVE] Cascade Bluffs 1 [ISD] Clifftop Retreat 1 [DK] Maze of Ith 1 [TE] Wasteland 1 [LG] Karakas 1 [ISD] Sulfur Falls 1 [ON] Polluted Delta 1 [ZEN] Arid Mesa 1 [ON] Flooded Strand 1 [ZEN] Misty Rainforest 1 [ZEN] Marsh Flats 1 [ON] Wooded Foothills 1 [ZEN] Scalding Tarn 1 [ON] Windswept Heath 1 [ON] Bloodstained Mire 1 [GP] Steam Vents 1 [DIS] Hallowed Fountain 1 [RAV] Sacred Foundry 1 [A] Plateau 1 [A] Tundra 1 [B] Volcanic Island 1 [TSP] Ancestral Vision 1 [TO] Grim Lavamancer 1 [SH] Mana Leak 1 [LRW] Cryptic Command 1 [M12] Timely Reinforcements 1 [PS] Flametongue Kavu 1 [SHM] Mystic Gate 1 [BNG] Temple of Enlightenment 1 [TE] Reflecting Pool 1 [WWK] Celestial Colonnade 1 [OGW] Needle Spires 1 [OGW] Wandering Fumarole 1 [JOU] Temple of Epiphany 1 [A] Lightning Bolt 1 [A] Swords to Plowshares 1 [NE] Daze 1 [HL] Memory Lapse 1 [RAV] Remand 1 [LG] Force Spike 1 [LG] Mana Drain 1 [A] Counterspell 1 [MOR] Vendilion Clique 1 [FRF] Monastery Mentor 1 [AVR] Restoration Angel 1 [CNS] Dack Fayden 1 [KLD] Torrential Gearhulk 1 [RAV] Lightning Helix 1 [WWK] Stoneforge Mystic 1 [LG] Chain Lightning 1 [C13] True-Name Nemesis 1 [] Dire Fleet Daredevil 1 [AP] Fire / Ice 1 [KTK] Dig Through Time 1 [ISD] Snapcaster Mage 1 [DIS] Spell Snare 1 [FUT] Venser, Shaper Savant 1 [KTK] Treasure Cruise 1 [M11] Preordain 1 [IA] Brainstorm 1 [ISD] Geist of Saint Traft 1 [NPH] Gitaxian Probe 1 [LRW] Ponder 1 [IN] Fact or Fiction 1 [DS] Sword of Fire and Ice 1 [LRW] Oblivion Ring 1 [RTR] Izzet Charm 1 [ZEN] Spell Pierce 1 [SOM] Arc Trail