// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Hollowine // CREATOR : Janne_Tabell // FORMAT : Modern 4 [GTC] Burning-Tree Emissary 4 [OGW] Reckless Bushwhacker 3 [KTK] Hooting Mandrills 4 [DKA] Faithless Looting 3 [KLD] Cathartic Reunion 2 [M11] Lightning Bolt 4 [ZEN] Goblin Guide 4 [AKH] Flameblade Adept 4 [HOU] Hollow One 4 [ROE] Vengevine 4 [FUT] Street Wraith 3 [] Stomping Ground 4 [KTK] Wooded Foothills 4 [KTK] Bloodstained Mire 1 [] Forest 4 [] Mountain 4 [SOI] Insolent Neonate SB: 2 [SOI] Lightning Axe SB: 4 [M11] Leyline of the Void SB: 3 [9E] Blood Moon SB: 2 [M12] Grim Lavamancer SB: 2 [ISD] Ancient Grudge SB: 2 [KTK] Feed the Clan