// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Mardu Angels // CREATOR : Matuvuefr // FORMAT : Standard 1 [] Despark 2 [] Bedevil 2 [] Gods Willing 2 [] Angrath's Rampage 2 [] Deafening Clarion 3 [] Sorin, Vengeful Bloodlord 3 [] Cast Down 1 [] Aurelia, Exemplar of Justice 2 [] Lyra Dawnbringer 2 [] Seraph of the Scales 2 [] Shalai, Voice of Plenty 2 [] Skarrgan Hellkite 3 [] Kaalia, Zenith Seeker 4 [] Bishop of Wings 4 [] Resplendent Angel 1 [] Temple of Silence 1 [] Swamp 1 [] Plains 2 [XLN] Dragonskull Summit 4 [] Blood Crypt 4 [] Clifftop Retreat 4 [] Sacred Foundry 4 [] Isolated Chapel 4 [] Godless Shrine SB: 1 [] Ritual of Soot SB: 1 [XLN] Sorcerous Spyglass SB: 3 [] Noxious Grasp SB: 2 [] Mortify SB: 4 [] Duress SB: 1 [] Chandra, Awakened Inferno SB: 2 [] Ashiok, Dream Render SB: 1 [XLN] Arguel's Blood Fast