// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Turbo Depths // CREATOR : Mikael_Linden // FORMAT : Legacy 4 [US] Duress 4 [LRW] Thoughtseize 4 [SOK] Pithing Needle 2 [CS] Into the North 4 [MR] Sylvan Scrying 4 [UL] Crop Rotation 3 [JU] Sylvan Safekeeper 4 [ZEN] Vampire Hexmage 4 [AL] Elvish Spirit Guide 4 [TE] Lotus Petal 1 [DIS] Ghost Quarter 4 [PLC] Urborg, Tomb of Yawgmoth 4 [CS] Dark Depths 4 [GTC] Thespian's Stage 2 [A] Bayou 1 [WWK] Bojuka Bog 1 [WWK] Sejiri Steppe 1 [IA] Snow-Covered Swamp 1 [IA] Snow-Covered Forest 4 [ZEN] Verdant Catacombs SB: 4 [GP] Leyline of the Void SB: 2 [RAV] Dark Confidant SB: 2 [NPH] Surgical Extraction SB: 3 [RTR] Abrupt Decay SB: 1 [] Force of Vigor SB: 1 [TE] Choke SB: 1 [FUT] Dryad Arbor SB: 1 [LG] Karakas