// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Mono Black Aggro // CREATOR : Adrian_Mercado // FORMAT : Modern 2 [TE] Diabolic Edict 3 [TSP] Bad Moon 3 [] Disfigure 3 [] Cast Down 4 [M15] Sign in Blood 3 [M11] Black Knight 3 [AER] Gifted Aetherborn 4 [WWK] Abyssal Persecutor 4 [ZEN] Gatekeeper of Malakir 4 [M13] Vampire Nighthawk 1 [ISD] Ghost Quarter 1 [BFZ] Ob Nixilis Reignited 1 [LRW] Profane Command 2 [M14] Ratchet Bomb 2 [MBS] Go for the Throat 2 [10E] Spawning Pool 18 [] Swamp SB: 1 [M13] Mutilate SB: 4 [] Duress SB: 2 [ZEN] Marsh Casualties SB: 3 [HOU] Bontu's Last Reckoning SB: 3 [TSP] Withered Wretch SB: 2 [M14] Ratchet Bomb