// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Temur Tempo // CREATOR : Michele_Negretti // FORMAT : Pauper 2 [EMN] Grapple with the Past 2 [TO] Deep Analysis 2 [LG] Force Spike 3 [NPH] Vapor Snag 3 [AVR] Thunderous Wrath 3 [HL] Memory Lapse 3 [LRW] Ponder 4 [A] Lightning Bolt 4 [DKA] Thought Scour 4 [IA] Brainstorm 4 [HOU] Firebrand Archer 4 [OD] Nimble Mongoose 4 [ISD] Delver of Secrets 2 [A] Mountain 2 [A] Forest 4 [C16] Ash Barrens 4 [TSP] Terramorphic Expanse 6 [A] Island SB: 2 [DKA] Stormbound Geist SB: 2 [OGW] Natural State SB: 3 [IA] Pyroblast SB: 3 [IA] Hydroblast SB: 2 [RTR] Electrickery SB: 2 [WWK] Dispel SB: 1 [OGW] Pulse of Murasa