// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Lotus Field // CREATOR : TerminalJustice // FORMAT : Pioneer 3 [ORI] Yavimaya Coast 4 [GTC] Thespian's Stage 3 [] Temple of Mystery 1 [AKH] Sheltered Thicket 4 [] Lotus Field 1 [HOU] Ipnu Rivulet 1 [] Forest 1 [] Breeding Pool 4 [KLD] Botanical Sanctum 2 [] Blast Zone 3 [] Underworld Breach 1 [] Expansion / Explosion 1 [] Blink of an Eye 4 [BFZ] Sylvan Scrying 4 [HOU] Strategic Planning 4 [SOI] Pore Over the Pages 4 [DGM] Hidden Strings 4 [AKH] Vizier of Tumbling Sands 2 [M15] Satyr Wayfinder 4 [] Fae of Wishes 4 [] Arboreal Grazer 1 [] Tamiyo, Collector of Tales SB: 1 [FRF] Ugin, the Spirit Dragon SB: 1 [M14] Tome Scour SB: 1 [] Thought Distortion SB: 1 [RTR] Supreme Verdict SB: 1 [] Return to Nature SB: 1 [M14] Ratchet Bomb SB: 1 [] Niv-Mizzet, Parun SB: 1 [OGW] Natural State SB: 1 [] Mystical Dispute SB: 1 [] Jace, Wielder of Mysteries SB: 1 [HOU] Hour of Devastation SB: 2 [AKH] Dissenter's Deliverance SB: 1 [] Chandra, Awakened Inferno SB: 1 [] Underworld Breach