// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : RW // CREATOR : Xul_Solar // FORMAT : Limited 1 [] Daysquad Marshal 1 [] Checkpoint Officer 1 [] Drannith Stinger 1 [] Everquill Phoenix 1 [] Ferocious Tigorilla 1 [XLN] Frenzied Raptor 1 [] Lava Serpent 1 [] Lavabrink Venturer 2 [] Perimeter Sergeant 1 [] Proud Wildbonder 1 [] Sanctuary Smasher 1 [] Savai Thundermane 1 [] Spelleater Wolverine 1 [] Vulpikeet 1 [KLD] Cathartic Reunion 1 [] Clash of Titans 1 [] Coordinated Charge 2 [] Fight as One 1 [] Heightened Reflexes 1 [] Raking Claws 1 [] Will of the All-Hunter 1 [MI] Pacifism 8 [A] Mountain 8 [A] Plains SB: 1 [A] Mountain SB: 2 [] Weaponize the Monsters SB: 1 [A] Swamp SB: 1 [] Solid Footing SB: 1 [] Pyroceratops SB: 1 [] Prickly Marmoset SB: 1 [] Lurking Deadeye SB: 1 [] Jegantha, the Wellspring SB: 1 [OD] Ivy Elemental SB: 1 [A] Island SB: 1 [] Insatiable Hemophage SB: 1 [] Honey Mammoth SB: 1 [] Cloudpiercer SB: 1 [] Blood Curdle SB: 4 [] Blisterspit Gremlin SB: 2 [AKH] Blazing Volley