// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Rakdos Aggro // CREATOR : 1-3drop // FORMAT : Standard 4 [] Heraldic Banner 4 [] Claim the Firstborn 4 [] Witch's Oven 1 [] God-Eternal Bontu 3 [] Woe Strider 4 [] Judith, the Scourge Diva 4 [] Gutterbones 4 [] Cauldron Familiar 4 [] Knight of the Ebon Legion 4 [] Serrated Scorpion 2 [] Temple of Malice 4 [] Blood Crypt 6 [] Mountain 12 [] Swamp SB: 1 [] Act of Treason SB: 2 [] Blazing Volley SB: 4 [] Drill Bit SB: 3 [] Duress SB: 1 [] Obosh, the Preypiercer SB: 4 [] Rotting Regisaur