// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Mono Black Aggro // CREATOR : Tom_Maxwell // FORMAT : Historic 2 [] Skyclave Shade 3 [] Murderous Rider 3 [] Rankle, Master of Pranks 4 [] Spawn of Mayhem 4 [] Scrapheap Scrounger 4 [] Dread Wanderer 4 [] Gutterbones 4 [] Knight of the Ebon Legion 4 [] Fatal Push 3 [] Agadeem's Awakening 4 [] Thoughtseize 4 [] Castle Locthwain 17 [] Swamp SB: 2 [] Agonizing Remorse SB: 2 [] Aethersphere Harvester SB: 3 [NPH] Phyrexian Obliterator SB: 4 [] Bloodchief's Thirst SB: 4 [] Gifted Aetherborn