// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Dimir Mill // CREATOR : Shepherdjohn // FORMAT : Standard 2 [] Zulaport Duelist 4 [] Soaring Thought-Thief 4 [] Merfolk Windrobber 4 [] Ruin Crab 1 [] Didn't Say Please 2 [] Eliminate 2 [] Mystical Dispute 2 [] Heartless Act 4 [] Into the Story 4 [] Drown in the Loch 2 [] Of One Mind 1 [] Sanctum of Stone Fangs 1 [] Sanctum of Calm Waters 3 [] Teferi's Tutelage 4 [] Evolving Wilds 4 [] Dismal Backwater 6 [] Swamp 10 [] Island SB: 2 [] Eliminate SB: 2 [] Mystical Dispute SB: 1 [] Soul-Guide Lantern SB: 2 [] Disdainful Stroke SB: 2 [] Cling to Dust SB: 2 [] Pestilent Haze SB: 2 [] Test of Talents SB: 2 [] Dead Weight