// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Jund // CREATOR : Tlacaelel_Campos // FORMAT : Standard 1 [] Light Up the Night 1 [] Lolth, Spider Queen 2 [] Abrade 2 [] Culling Ritual 3 [] Shatterskull Smashing 3 [] Infernal Grasp 4 [] Esika's Chariot 1 [] Olivia, Crimson Bride 2 [] Reckless Stormseeker 2 [] Valki, God of Lies 2 [] Magda, Brazen Outlaw 3 [] Florian, Voldaren Scion 3 [] Immersturm Predator 4 [] Kalain, Reclusive Painter 4 [] Goldspan Dragon 1 [] Den of the Bugbear 1 [] Rockfall Vale 2 [] Haunted Ridge 2 [] Mountain 2 [] Hive of the Eye Tyrant 3 [] Swamp 4 [] Cragcrown Pathway 4 [] Darkbore Pathway 4 [] Blightstep Pathway SB: 3 [] Power Word Kill SB: 3 [] Go Blank SB: 3 [] Duress SB: 3 [] Ray of Enfeeblement SB: 1 [] Check for Traps SB: 1 [] Shadows' Verdict SB: 1 [] Lolth, Spider Queen