// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Zirilan of the Claw // CREATOR : Nakano_Isamu // FORMAT : cEDH 1 [C15] Thought Vessel 1 [TE] Ruby Medallion 1 [MI] Fire Diamond 1 [RAV] Cloudstone Curio 1 [MI] Lion's Eye Diamond 1 [] Cursed Mirror 1 [TSP] Prismatic Lens 1 [] Sword of Hearth and Home 1 [A] Mana Vault 1 [] Liquimetal Torque 1 [SH] Mox Diamond 1 [] Mox Amber 1 [CS] Coldsteel Heart 1 [A] Sol Ring 1 [SOM] Mox Opal 1 [M12] Sundial of the Infinite 1 [MR] Chrome Mox 1 [IA] Pyroblast 1 [HOU] Abrade 1 [] Jeska's Will 1 [LRW] Heat Shimmer 1 [JOU] Twinflame 1 [US] Gamble 1 [A] Wheel of Fortune 1 [] Underworld Breach 1 [] You Find Some Prisoners 1 [US] Sneak Attack 1 [ORI] Flameshadow Conjuring 1 [] Molten Echoes 1 [WWK] Everflowing Chalice 1 [TE] Lotus Petal 1 [UL] Grim Monolith 1 [WL] Mind Stone 1 [] Mana Crypt 1 [] Jeweled Lotus 1 [UD] Thran Foundry 1 [DK] Fellwar Stone 1 [CMD] Chaos Warp 1 [WWK] Ricochet Trap 1 [MR] Seething Song 1 [] Bolt Bend 1 [SOM] Galvanic Blast 1 [] Valakut Awakening 1 [] Tibalt's Trickery 1 [] Deflecting Swat 1 [A] Red Elemental Blast 1 [] Arcane Signet 1 [ROE] Not of This World 1 [TSP] Bogardan Hellkite 1 [NPH] Moltensteel Dragon 1 [] Neheb, Dreadhorde Champion 1 [ST] Thunder Dragon 1 [LRW] Changeling Berserker 1 [] Drakuseth, Maw of Flames 1 [P3] Imperial Recruiter 1 [] Skarrgan Hellkite 1 [C14] Dualcaster Mage 1 [HOU] Neheb, the Eternal 1 [RTR] Utvara Hellkite 1 [] Rapacious Dragon 1 [P2] Goblin Matron 1 [] Dockside Extortionist 1 [] Goblin Engineer 1 [] Birgi, God of Storytelling 1 [JU] Worldgorger Dragon 1 [CNS] Scourge of the Throne 1 [SHM] Knollspine Dragon 1 [M14] Scourge of Valkas 1 [] Terror of the Peaks 1 [C15] Command Beacon 1 [CMD] Homeward Path 1 [TSP] Gemstone Caverns 1 [THS] Nykthos, Shrine to Nyx 1 [MR] Great Furnace 1 [TE] Ancient Tomb 24 [A] Mountain SB: 1 [MI] Zirilan of the Claw