// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Grixis Aggro // CREATOR : Tong_Chen // FORMAT : Standard 1 [] Infernal Grasp 1 [] Hagra Mauling 1 [] Spell Pierce 1 [] Soul Shatter 2 [] Duress 2 [] The Meathook Massacre 2 [] Kaito Shizuki 4 [] Voltage Surge 4 [] Fable of the Mirror-Breaker 1 [] Valki, God of Lies 2 [] Tenacious Underdog 2 [] Bloodthirsty Adversary 3 [] Evelyn, the Covetous 4 [] Corpse Appraiser 4 [] Bloodtithe Harvester 1 [] Swamp 1 [] Takenuma, Abandoned Mire 1 [] Mountain 1 [] Shipwreck Marsh 2 [] Hive of the Eye Tyrant 2 [] Haunted Ridge 3 [] Clearwater Pathway 3 [] Stormcarved Coast 4 [] Blightstep Pathway 4 [] Xander's Lounge 4 [] Riverglide Pathway SB: 2 [] Go Blank SB: 2 [] Disdainful Stroke SB: 2 [] Ray of Enfeeblement SB: 1 [] Soul Transfer SB: 1 [] Mind Flayer SB: 1 [] Annul SB: 1 [] Negate SB: 1 [] Make Disappear SB: 1 [] Infernal Grasp SB: 1 [] Soul Shatter SB: 2 [] Duress