// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Jund // CREATOR : Absorbentthree // FORMAT : Vintage 1 [A] Mox Pearl 1 [DKA] Grafdigger's Cage 1 [MR] Chalice of the Void 1 [A] Black Lotus 1 [] Veil of Summer 1 [A] Red Elemental Blast 1 [] Force of Vigor 1 [MBS] Green Sun's Zenith 1 [A] Mox Emerald 1 [A] Mox Ruby 1 [] Cindervines 1 [A] Mox Sapphire 2 [RTR] Abrupt Decay 2 [] Sudden Edict 2 [] Grist, the Hunger Tide 1 [] Valki, God of Lies 1 [M14] Scavenging Ooze 1 [] Ignoble Hierarch 1 [DKA] Huntmaster of the Fells 1 [] Dauthi Voidwalker 1 [] Allosaurus Shepherd 2 [] Collector Ouphe 2 [RTR] Dryad Militant 2 [AL] Elvish Spirit Guide 2 [] Endurance 4 [] Outland Liberator 4 [FUT] Tarmogoyf 2 [] Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes 1 [] Urza's Saga 1 [A] Swamp 1 [AQ] Strip Mine 1 [] Sokenzan, Crucible of Defiance 1 [US] Gaea's Cradle 1 [A] Forest 1 [AN] City of Brass 2 [AVR] Cavern of Souls 3 [A] Taiga 3 [A] Bayou 3 [] Boseiju, Who Endures SB: 1 [LG] The Tabernacle at Pendrell Vale SB: 1 [NPH] Surgical Extraction SB: 1 [MI] Seeds of Innocence SB: 1 [SOK] Pithing Needle SB: 1 [] Damping Sphere SB: 1 [TE] Choke SB: 1 [WWK] Bojuka Bog SB: 2 [DKA] Grafdigger's Cage SB: 1 [] Cindervines SB: 1 [M14] Scavenging Ooze SB: 2 [] Collector Ouphe SB: 2 [DK] Tormod's Crypt