// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : UW Lotus Control // CREATOR : Ishibashi_Yukinori // FORMAT : Pioneer 4 [] Strict Proctor 2 [] Dovin's Veto 4 [] Discontinuity 2 [] Jwari Disruption 4 [] Memory Deluge 2 [] March of Otherworldly Light 1 [] Soul Partition 2 [] Get Lost 1 [RTR] Supreme Verdict 1 [] Farewell 2 [] Sunfall 2 [] Shark Typhoon 4 [] Teferi, Hero of Dominaria 3 [] The Wandering Emperor 4 [AKH] Irrigated Farmland 1 [] Plains 1 [] Island 4 [] Hallowed Fountain 3 [GTC] Thespian's Stage 4 [] Lotus Field 1 [] Castle Ardenvale 1 [] Castle Vantress 4 [] Hengegate Pathway 2 [] Hall of Storm Giants 1 [] Eiganjo, Seat of the Empire SB: 2 [] Dovin's Veto SB: 1 [RTR] Supreme Verdict SB: 1 [XLN] Settle the Wreckage SB: 1 [] Narset, Parter of Veils SB: 1 [] Narset's Reversal SB: 1 [] Kenrith, the Returned King SB: 2 [] Archon of Emeria SB: 1 [] Test of Talents SB: 1 [] Hullbreaker Horror SB: 2 [] Unlicensed Hearse SB: 1 [] Temporary Lockdown SB: 1 [] High Noon