// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Commander Svyelun Of Sea And Sky // CREATOR : Bastien_Levionnais // FORMAT : Duel Commander 1 [] Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel 1 [] Tale's End 1 [NPH] Mental Misstep 1 [] Fading Hope 1 [MM] Misdirection 1 [UL] Miscalculation 1 [GP] Repeal 1 [] Flare of Denial 1 [] Jace Reawakened 1 [HL] Merchant Scroll 1 [] Force of Negation 1 [AL] Force of Will 1 [] Currency Converter 1 [A] Counterspell 1 [LRW] Ponder 1 [LRW] Cryptic Command 1 [DIS] Spell Snare 1 [UL] Snap 1 [SH] Mana Leak 1 [] Archmage's Charm 1 [LG] Boomerang 1 [BOK] Disrupting Shoal 1 [SC] Stifle 1 [] Lose Focus 1 [RAV] Remand 1 [] Wash Away 1 [LG] Force Spike 1 [M11] Preordain 1 [ZEN] Spell Pierce 1 [FD] Serum Visions 1 [TSP] Ancestral Vision 1 [UL] Frantic Search 1 [UD] Treachery 1 [NPH] Gitaxian Probe 1 [] Consider 1 [A] Blue Elemental Blast 1 [A] Psionic Blast 1 [HL] Memory Lapse 1 [NE] Daze 1 [] Lórien Revealed 1 [FUT] Logic Knot 1 [] Shadowspear 1 [IN] Opt 1 [P2] Sleight of Hand 1 [IA] Hydroblast 1 [IA] Brainstorm 1 [] Stern Scolding 1 [OD] Peek 1 [] Tishana's Tidebinder 1 [] Brazen Borrower 1 [] Ethereal Forager 1 [MOR] Vendilion Clique 1 [] Horned Loch-Whale 1 [] Murktide Regent 1 [] Faerie Mastermind 1 [] Subtlety 1 [ISD] Delver of Secrets 1 [ISD] Snapcaster Mage 1 [] Dreamtide Whale 1 [C13] True-Name Nemesis 1 [] Ledger Shredder 1 [ON] Polluted Delta 1 [] Rivendell 1 [ZEN] Misty Rainforest 1 [] Castle Vantress 1 [TSP] Gemstone Caverns 1 [] Urza's Saga 1 [AQ] Mishra's Factory 1 [] Mystic Sanctuary 1 [ON] Flooded Strand 1 [ZEN] Scalding Tarn 1 [MOR] Mutavault 1 [] Otawara, Soaring City 1 [] Hall of Storm Giants 25 [A] Island SB: 1 [] Svyelun of Sea and Sky