// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Weenie White // CREATOR : Hyguregp // FORMAT : Pauper 4 [M10] Elite Vanguard 4 [SOI] Thraben Inspector 4 [ISD] Doomed Traveler 2 [DKA] Loyal Cathar 4 [] Search Party Captain 3 [CN2] Palace Sentinels 2 [] Eagles of the North 2 [] Argivian Phalanx 1 [LE] Gempalm Avenger 4 [MBS] Ichor Wellspring 4 [MR] Raise the Alarm 4 [] Demand Answers 2 [ISD] Rally the Peasants 2 [M12] Guardians' Pledge 4 [] Alpine Meadow 14 [A] Plains SB: 4 [] Cathar Commando SB: 2 [CHK] Ethereal Haze SB: 4 [] Thraben Charm SB: 4 [] Destroy Evil SB: 1 [PLC] Dawn Charm