// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Dimir Affinity // CREATOR : Marcello_Marasa // FORMAT : Pauper 1 [] Toxin Analysis 1 [SOM] Nihil Spellbomb 2 [TSP] Chromatic Star 3 [MR] Thoughtcast 4 [MBS] Ichor Wellspring 4 [] Reckoner's Bargain 4 [] Blood Fountain 4 [] Deadly Dispute 4 [] Cast Down 1 [] Troll of Khazad-dûm 2 [VI] Crypt Rats 2 [FRF] Gurmag Angler 3 [KLD] Gearseeker Serpent 4 [] Refurbished Familiar 4 [] Sneaky Snacker 1 [] Ice Tunnel 3 [A] Swamp 3 [A] Island 4 [] Mistvault Bridge 4 [MR] Vault of Whispers 4 [MR] Seat of the Synod SB: 3 [MBS] Steel Sabotage SB: 2 [] Suffocating Fumes SB: 2 [US] Annul SB: 4 [US] Duress SB: 1 [] Toxin Analysis SB: 2 [SOM] Nihil Spellbomb SB: 1 [VI] Crypt Rats