// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : U So Kull // CREATOR : Victor_Hartanto // FORMAT : Standard 2 [ISD] Harvest Pyre 2 [ISD] Blasphemous Act 3 [DKA] Lingering Souls 4 [ISD] Mulch 4 [RTR] Grisly Salvage 4 [DKA] Faithless Looting 4 [ISD] Unburial Rites 1 [ISD] Olivia Voldaren 1 [DGM] Sire of Insanity 4 [RTR] Angel of Serenity 4 [GTC] Boros Reckoner 4 [M13] Thragtusk 1 [AVR] Cavern of Souls 1 [ISD] Isolated Chapel 2 [RTR] Blood Crypt 3 [RTR] Temple Garden 3 [M13] Rootbound Crag 3 [M13] Sunpetal Grove 3 [M13] Dragonskull Summit 3 [GTC] Godless Shrine 4 [GTC] Stomping Ground SB: 1 [M13] Acidic Slime SB: 2 [RTR] Slaughter Games SB: 2 [ISD] Purify the Grave SB: 3 [RTR] Abrupt Decay SB: 1 [AVR] Pillar of Flame SB: 2 [DKA] Ray of Revelation SB: 1 [ISD] Olivia Voldaren SB: 2 [DGM] Sire of Insanity SB: 1 [AVR] Cavern of Souls