// Deck file created with mtgtop8.com // NAME : Junk Reanimator // CREATOR : Andre_Fx // FORMAT : Standard 1 [ISD] Sever the Bloodline 3 [ISD] Mulch 4 [ISD] Unburial Rites 4 [RTR] Grisly Salvage 1 [RTR] Deathrite Shaman 1 [GTC] Obzedat, Ghost Council 2 [DGM] Sin Collector 2 [ISD] Fiend Hunter 3 [RTR] Angel of Serenity 3 [M13] Thragtusk 3 [M13] Acidic Slime 3 [M13] Arbor Elf 3 [ISD] Avacyn's Pilgrim 4 [AVR] Restoration Angel 1 [DKA] Vault of the Archangel 2 [GTC] Godless Shrine 2 [RTR] Forest 2 [AVR] Cavern of Souls 2 [M13] Sunpetal Grove 3 [ISD] Isolated Chapel 3 [ISD] Woodland Cemetery 4 [RTR] Temple Garden 4 [RTR] Overgrown Tomb SB: 3 [RTR] Abrupt Decay SB: 3 [DGM] Voice of Resurgence SB: 2 [ISD] Garruk Relentless SB: 1 [DKA] Ray of Revelation SB: 2 [DGM] Gaze of Granite SB: 1 [ISD] Sever the Bloodline SB: 1 [RTR] Deathrite Shaman SB: 1 [GTC] Obzedat, Ghost Council SB: 1 [DGM] Sin Collector