4 Swamp 3 Radiant Fountain 6 Island 4 Dismal Backwater 4 Dimir Aqueduct 1 Bojuka Bog 1 Dead Weight 2 Pristine Talisman 1 Seat of the Synod 4 Think Twice 3 False Summoning 1 Echoing Decay 1 Doom Blade 1 Disfigure 2 Devour Flesh 4 Counterspell 4 Probe 2 Preordain 1 Innocent Blood 2 Evincar's Justice 4 Chainer's Edict 4 Sea Gate Oracle 1 Mnemonic Wall Sideboard 1 Shrivel 2 Nihil Spellbomb 1 Negate 1 Mulldrifter 2 Hydroblast 1 Duress 2 Dispel 2 Curse of the Bloody Tome 1 False Summoning 1 Doom Blade 1 Disfigure