2 Bojuka Bog 2 Dead Weight 2 Pristine Talisman 2 Exclude 4 Doom Blade 2 Dispel 1 Disfigure 4 Counterspell 4 Ponder 2 Evincar's Justice 3 Chainer's Edict 2 Thorn of the Black Rose 4 Sea Gate Oracle 2 Gurmag Angler 4 Augur of Bolas 5 Swamp 8 Island 4 Dismal Backwater 3 Dimir Aqueduct Sideboard 1 Dispel 1 Chainer's Edict 2 Stormbound Geist 2 Shrivel 3 Relic of Progenitus 3 Hydroblast 3 Duress