2 Scavenger Grounds 7 Plains 7 Island 4 Irrigated Farmland 2 Ipnu Rivulet 4 Glacial Fortress 1 Cast Out 3 Ixalan's Binding 1 Search for Azcanta 1 Thaumatic Compass 1 Primal Amulet 3 Settle the Wreckage 1 Pull from Tomorrow 4 Opt 4 Glimmer of Genius 2 Farm/Market 4 Disallow 4 Fumigate 2 Approach of the Second Sun 2 Torrential Gearhulk 1 Kefnet the Mindful Sideboard 3 Spell Pierce 4 Negate 4 Forsake the Worldly 4 Authority of the Consuls