1 Rites of Initiation 3 Reckless Abandon 4 Lightning Bolt 4 Manamorphose 2 Fireblast 3 Hordeling Outburst 3 Goblin Arsonist 3 Mogg Raider 3 Mogg Fanatic 3 Mogg War Marshal 3 Foundry Street Denizen 4 Goblin Bushwhacker 3 Goblin Sledder 2 Frenzied Goblin 1 Goblin Heelcutter 16 Mountain 2 Forgotten Cave Sideboard 2 Dynacharge 2 Tormod's Crypt 2 Sparksmith 1 Rites of Initiation 2 Outnumber 2 Blazing Volley 2 Smash to Smithereens 2 Flame Slash