1 Loran's Escape 1 Take Up the Shield 1 March of Otherworldly Light 1 Sejiri Shelter 1 Karametra's Blessing 1 Center Soul 1 Energy Refractor 1 Relic of Legends 1 Magnifying Glass 1 Era of Enlightenment 1 The Eternal Wanderer 1 Elspeth Resplendent 1 Planar Disruption 1 Military Discipline 1 Nurturing Presence 1 Radiant Grace 1 Candletrap 1 Valor of the Worthy 1 Spectral Steel 1 Rune of Sustenance 1 Bound in Gold 1 Mythos of Snapdax 1 Devastating Mastery 1 Brilliant Restoration 1 Recommission 1 Angelic Gift 1 Sigil of the Empty Throne 1 Glaring Aegis 1 Sage's Reverie 1 Banishing Light 1 Rule of Law 1 Ethereal Armor 1 All That Glitters 1 Trapped in the Tower 1 The Birth of Meletis 1 Felidar Retreat 1 Sentinel's Eyes 1 Doomskar 1 Combat Thresher 1 Sky Crier 1 Inspiring Overseer 1 Spirited Companion 1 Twinblade Geist 1 Auramancer 1 Loyal Warhound 1 Elite Spellbinder 1 Starnheim Courser 1 Shepherd of the Cosmos 1 Reidane, God of the Worthy 1 Halvar, God of Battle 1 Luminarch Aspirant 1 Transcendent Envoy 1 Daxos, Blessed by the Sun 1 Archon of Sun's Grace 1 Alseid of Life's Bounty 1 Shambling Suit 1 Thraben Inspector 1 Blessed Spirits 1 Heliod's Pilgrim 1 Dawnhart Geist 1 Crystal Grotto 1 Bonders' Enclave 1 Field of Ruin 36 Plains Sideboard 1 Light-Paws, Emperor's Voice