4 Myr Enforcer 4 Galvanic Blast 3 Vault of Whispers 3 Drossforge Bridge 3 Great Furnace 3 Blood Fountain 4 Refurbished Familiar 3 Silverbluff Bridge 4 Lembas 4 Ichor Wellspring 3 Seat of the Synod 4 Deadly Dispute 3 Mistvault Bridge 4 Thoughtcast 4 Frogmite 2 Krark-Clan Shaman 2 Reckoner's Bargain 2 Gearseeker Serpent 1 Swamp Sideboard 2 Pyroblast 3 Gorilla Shaman 3 Hydroblast 2 Negate 2 Nihil Spellbomb 2 Chainer's Edict 1 Breath Weapon