1 Aboleth Spawn 1 Archmage's Charm 1 Blue Elemental Blast 1 Boomerang 1 Brainstorm 1 Brazen Borrower 1 Castle Vantress 1 Consider 1 Counterspell 1 Cryptic Coat 1 Cryptic Command 1 Curious Obsession 1 Currency Converter 1 Daze 1 Delver of Secrets 1 Demolition Field 1 Disrupting Shoal 1 Dreamtide Whale 1 Ethereal Forager 1 Fading Hope 1 Faerie Conclave 1 Faerie Mastermind 1 Flare of Denial 1 Flooded Strand 1 Force of Negation 1 Force of Will 1 Force Spike 1 Gitaxian Probe 1 Hall of Storm Giants 1 Harbinger of the Seas 1 Hope-Ender Coatl 21 Island 1 Ledger Shredder 1 Logic Knot 1 Lorien Revealed 1 Lose Focus 1 Mana Leak 1 Memory Lapse 1 Mental Misstep 1 Miscalculation 1 Mishra's Factory 1 Misty Rainforest 1 Murktide Regent 1 Mutavault 1 Mystic Confluence 1 Mystic Sanctuary 1 Mystical Dispute 1 Occult Epiphany 1 Otawara, Soaring City 1 Peek 1 Phantom Interference 1 Polluted Delta 1 Ponder 1 Preordain 1 Prismatic Vista 1 Psionic Blast 1 Pteramander 1 Remand 1 Rishadan Port 1 Scalding Tarn 1 Scavenger Grounds 1 Sink into Stupor 1 Snap 1 Snapcaster Mage 1 Spell Pierce 1 Spell Snare 1 Stern Scolding 1 Stifle 1 Subtlety 1 Tale's End 1 Tishana's Tidebinder 1 Treachery 1 True-Name Nemesis 1 Vapor Snag 1 Vedalken Shackles 1 Vendilion Clique 1 War Room 1 Wash Away 1 Winter Moon Sideboard 1 Malcolm, Alluring Scoundrel