1 Nowhere to Run 2 Unsummon 2 Analyze the Pollen 2 Go for the Throat 4 Bushwhack 4 Cache Grab 4 Rona's Vortex 4 Seed of Hope 4 Stormchaser's Talent 4 This Town Ain't Big Enough 4 Up the Beanstalk 4 Eddymurk Crab 4 Tolarian Terror 1 Hedge Maze 1 Swamp 1 Gloomlake Verge 1 Restless Vinestalk 2 Forest 2 Darkslick Shores 2 Island 3 Yavimaya Coast 4 Botanical Sanctum Sideboard 1 Anoint with Affliction 2 Soul-Guide Lantern 1 The Swarmweaver 3 Tear Asunder 4 Negate 2 Obstinate Baloth 2 Minor Misstep