netdecking with the stars
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1092 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Golgari / Jund Garden ILCAMPO2 Pauper MTGO League 4 12/03/25
Kuldotha Red Cambinho Pauper MTGO League 6 11/03/25
Tevesh Szat + Thrasios Fabio Campagna cEDH Competitive Bracket 2 @ Oasis Gaming Center (Milan, Italy) 1 10/03/25
Tevesh Szat + Thrasios Fabio Campagna cEDH Competitive Bracket 2 @ Oasis Gaming Center (Milan, Italy) 1 10/03/25
Esper Aggro Cameron Roux Standard ReCQ @ SCG CON Charlotte 5-8 09/03/25
Boros Energy Pierluigi Cambie-fabris Modern Sunday $10K RCQ @ SCG CON Charlotte 33-64 09/03/25
Amulet Titan Cameron Cooke Modern ANZ Super Series Sunday 5K @ ANZ Super Series @ Bankstown (Australia) 9-16 08/03/25
Kinnan, Bonder Prodigy Cameron Thomson cEDH cEDH High Stakes Tournament @ Magic Stronghold (Vancouver, Canada) 3-4 08/03/25
Esper Pixie camroux22 Standard MTGO Challenge 32 5-8 08/03/25
Dimir Tempo Pierluigi Cambie-fabris Legacy Oversized Event @ SCG CON Charlotte 2 08/03/25
Boros Energy Pierluigi Cambie-fabris Modern "L"CQ #1 @ SCG CON Charlotte 9-16 07/03/25
4c Terragedon Rubens Campana Premodern Brasília Semanal @ Smash'n Play (Brasília, Brazil) 2 05/03/25
Rakdos Goblins Camilotti Pauper Fuguete League 214 5-8 05/03/25
Dimir Faeries Fabrizio Campanino Pauper LPCaserta I Tappa-Road to Pisa 25 @ Cerberus Comics & Games (Aversa, Italy) 5-8 03/03/25
Aragorn, King Of Gondor Anthony Campopiano Duel Commander 3° tappa Lega Bear's Lair @ Bear's Lair (Biella, Italy) 2 01/03/25
Tevesh Szat + Thrasios Fabio Campagna cEDH Competitive Bracket 2 @ Oasis Gaming Center (Milan, Italy) 1 01/03/25
Tevesh Szat + Thrasios Fabio Campagna cEDH Competitive Bracket 2 @ Oasis Gaming Center (Milan, Italy) 1 01/03/25
Ninja Francisco Camargo Legacy Weekly Event @ Mont CardShop (Campinas, Brazil) 2 27/02/25
Rakdos Midrange camroux22 Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 1 23/02/25
Yoshi Boros Olivier Lacampagne Duel Commander Tournoi Duel Commander @ Artefacts (Bordeaux, France) 2 23/02/25
Dragonlord Ojutai Cameron Spanier cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier @ MacNarB Gaming (Gautier, MS) 3-4 22/02/25
Ninja Francisco Camargo Legacy Weekly Event @ Mont CardShop (Campinas, Brazil) 5-8 20/02/25
Golgari Dredge Riccardo Camponi Pauper Modena Magic 2024/25 - Winter Round 6/6 @ Modena (Italy) 5-8 19/02/25
Rakdos Midrange CamKelly13 Pioneer MTGO Challenge 32 13 16/02/25
Boros Energy camroux22 Modern MTGO Challenge 64 10 16/02/25
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