netdecking with the stars
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392 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Grixis Control GigaChadSigmaMale Modern MTGO Challenge 64 13 10/03/25
Gruul Aggro Chad Kay Standard ReCQ @ SCG CON Charlotte 5-8 08/03/25
UW Control CLChad Modern MTGO Challenge 64 9 07/03/25
Dimir Control Guimachado Pauper 4ª Etapa Liga Aetherdrift @ Shinu Made (Jundiaí, Brazil) 5-8 05/03/25
Landless Belcher ChadWallin Modern MTGO Challenge 64 5-8 05/03/25
UW Control CLChad Modern MTGO Challenge 64 2 03/03/25
UW Control CLChad Modern MTGO Challenge 64 9 03/03/25
Rakdos, the Muscle Lillith Schade cEDH cEDH Monthly Tournament “Battle for Knowledge 2” @ Dumpster Cat Games (Minneapolis, MN) 2 01/03/25
Breach GigaChadSigmaMale Modern MTGO Challenge 32 1 01/03/25
Magda, Brazen Outlaw Chad L Hilton cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier @ The Gathering Place (Chapel Hill, NC) 1 23/02/25
Dimir Control CLChad Modern MTGO Challenge 64 5-8 23/02/25
Gruul Aggro Chad Kelley Standard Pro Tour Aetherdrift - 2nd Chance PTQ @Wizards of the Coast 17-32 23/02/25
Breach GigaChadSigmaMale Modern MTGO Challenge 32 13 22/02/25
Breach CLChad Modern MTGO Challenge 64 15 17/02/25
Yuriko, the Tiger's Shadow Thomas Schadinger cEDH Ballon Con 4 @ Countdown Spielewelt (Landsberg am Lech, Germany) 17-32 15/02/25
Magda, Brazen Outlaw Chad Franklin cEDH cEDH Clash @ Bargy's Cards and Board Games (Ringgold, GA) 2 15/02/25
Breach GigaChadSigmaMale Modern MTGO Showcase Challenge 2 15/02/25
Breach GigaChadSigmaMale Modern MTGO Challenge 64 1 14/02/25
Paradoxical Outcome Chad Proctor-frazier Vintage HSI8 @ Team Serious 1 08/02/25
Tymna + Thrasios Chad L Hilton cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier @ Beyond Cards (Ashland, VA) 5-8 01/02/25
Cephalid Breakfast Chad Goding Legacy From The Vault: Legacy 20 @ The Mana Vault (Saint Francis, WI) 5-8 01/02/25
Gruul Aggro Chadi Rachid Standard 2-slots RCQ @ PunkOuter Games, LLC (Gainesville, FL) 5-8 31/01/25
Magda, Brazen Outlaw Chad L Hilton cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier - Blade Gaming #2 @ Blade Gaming (Roanoke, Va) 2 26/01/25
Breach Alberto Manchado Modern Regional Championship - Ultimate Guard European Magic Series @ Prague (Czech Republic) 33-64 25/01/25
Glarb, Calamity's Augur Chad L Hilton cEDH River City Rumble: The Royal Rumble @ Final Fortune (Glen Allen, VA) 9-16 25/01/25
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