netdecking with the stars
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27 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Azorius Aura P77 Historic Japan Championship 2020 Winter Weekly Challenge @ BIG Magic 5-8 12/12/20
Auras P77 Historic Japan Nationals 2020 Winter Weekly Challenge @ Hareruya (Japan) 5-8 12/12/20
Azorius Aura P77 Historic Japan Championship 2020 Winter Daily Trial @ BIG Magic 5-8 08/12/20
Dimir Rogue P77 Standard SCG Tour Online - Satellite #5 @ Star City Games 5-8 07/11/20
Red Deck Wins Menp777#13848 Standard Tuesday 2nd Qualifier for MagicFest Online 1 05/05/20
Jeskai Aggro Cycling P77 Standard Tuesday 1st Qualifier for MagicFest Online Season 2 1 28/04/20
Jeskai Aggro Cycling P77 Standard Monday 2nd Qualifier for MagicFest Online Season 2 3 27/04/20
Fires of Invention P77#54564 Standard April 11 - 5th Qualifier for MagicFest Online 1 11/04/20
Sultai Control P77#54564 Standard March 29 - 2nd Qualifier for MagicFest Online 2 29/03/20
UW Spirit Aggro p77 Pioneer MTGO Pioneer Preliminary 1 17/01/20
UR Aggro menp777 Modern MTGO Competitive Modern League 5 17/08/18
GB menp777 Limited MTGO Sealed XLN Block MOCS 3 12/02/18
WB menp777 Limited MTGO Sealed XLN Block PTQ 5-8 05/02/18
Rakdos Aggro menp777 Standard MTGO Standard PTQ 5-8 04/02/18
UWx Midrange menp777 Modern MTGO Competitive Modern League 3 23/11/17
Rakdos Aggro menp777 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard League 5 12/08/17
WR menp777 Limited MTGO Sealed AKH Block PTQ 5-8 07/08/17
GR menp777 Limited MTGO Sealed AKH Block PTQ 5-8 05/08/17
Faeries menp777 Modern MTGO Competitive Modern Constructed League 6 05/04/17
Mardu Vehicle menp777 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 3 03/02/17
Jeskai Aggro menp777 Standard MTGO Competitive Standard Constructed League 5 03/01/17
Jund menp777 Modern MTGO Competitive Modern Constructed League 7 14/12/16
Jund menp777 Modern MTGO Competitive Modern Constructed League 9 11/12/16
Jund menp777 Modern MTGO Competitive Modern Constructed League 4 10/12/16
Faeries menp777 Modern MTGO Modern Constructed League 9 16/05/16
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