netdecking with the stars
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3398 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Hidetsugu and Kairi Pernobyl Duel Commander MTGO League 4 11/03/25
Red Deck Wins JamesonPerdue Modern MTGO Challenge 64 16 10/03/25
Amulet Titan Coleman Perret Modern Oversized Event @ SCG CON Charlotte 9-16 09/03/25
Dimir Reanimator Marc Pérez Legacy Catalan League March 2025 @ inGenio Games (Barcelona) 5-8 08/03/25
Malcolm + Vial Smasher Kassie Wipert cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier - Day 1 @ Fantasticon (Toledo, OH) 2 08/03/25
Magda, Brazen Outlaw Jasper cEDH F2F Tour Edmonton - CEDH Provincial Championship @ Canada 9-16 08/03/25
Dimir Tempo Kasper Lovin Legacy GP Hellerup Highrollers #4 @ Denmark 7 08/03/25
Oops! All Spells Teban Perez Legacy Liga Mulligan @ Mulligan (Málaga, Spain) 5-8 08/03/25
Painter yapperdoodle Legacy MTGO Challenge 32 11 08/03/25
Esper Control David Galperin Modern United States Regional Championship @ SCG CON Charlotte 33-64 08/03/25
Orzhov Phelia Christopher Perkins Modern "L"CQ #7 @ SCG CON Charlotte 1 07/03/25
Sligh (RDW) João Pereira Premodern Event @ First Blood 3-4 07/03/25
Breach Kyle Deperro Modern Oversized Event @ SCG CON Charlotte 3-4 07/03/25
Dimir Control viashinoperuano Pauper MTGO League 1 06/03/25
Grixis Affinity Edoardo Perotti Pauper Quarta Tappa Lega @ Fantasia (Verona, Italy) 3-4 06/03/25
Aura Hexproof Roberto Perugia Pauper Lega Granda - Tappa 04/03/2025 @ Italy 1 04/03/25
Sadistic Glee DiaperDandy Pauper MTGO League 1 04/03/25
Boros Energy DylansHyper Modern MTGO Challenge 64 5-8 03/03/25
Dimir Tempo EmperorOppai Legacy MTGO League 7 03/03/25
Boros Energy DylansHyper Modern MTGO Challenge 64 12 02/03/25
Orzhov Phelia Nathanael Perigo Modern 1K Mayhem Madness @ Mayhem Collectibles (Des Moines, IA) 3-4 01/03/25
Splinter Twin David Peretti Modern 4season Winter Main Event @ ARCI Benassi (Bologna, Italy) 3-4 01/03/25
Elves Kacper Pypeć Pauper Biedaki na Dopalaczach @ Pan Mysza (Warszawa, Poland) 2 01/03/25
Jund Glee Artur "prospero" Olek Pauper Biedaki na Dopalaczach @ Pan Mysza (Warszawa, Poland) 5-8 01/03/25
Rograkh + Silas Renn Reyna Kay Harper cEDH Commander Invitational Qualifier @ Galactic Games (Raleigh, N) 5-8 01/03/25
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