netdecking with the stars
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30 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Tevesh Szat + Rograkh Matsumoto Sukenao cEDH The 10th God of Commander Tournament @ TC (Tokyo, Japan) 5-8 28/11/24
Tevesh Szat + Rograkh Matsumoto Sukenao cEDH The 9th God of Commander Tournament @ TC (Tokyo, Japan) 3-4 16/08/24
Nadu, Winged Wisdom Matsumoto Sukenao cEDH Commander Rumble @ Yokohama, Japan) 3-4 13/07/24
Thada Adel, Acquisitor Matsumoto Sukenao cEDH The 6th God of Commander Tournament @ TC (Tokyo, Japan) 5-8 22/10/23
Thada Adel, Acquisitor Matsumoto Sukenao cEDH The 5th God of Commander @ TC (Tokyo, Japan) 2 12/07/23
4cc Jonathan Sukenik Modern $20K RCQ @ SCG CON New Jersey 33-64 14/01/23
Rakdos Aggro Jonathan Sukenik Pioneer $30K RCQ @ SCG CON Philadelphia 17-32 12/11/22
Rocco, Cabaretti Caterer Matsumoto Sukenao cEDH Rumble @ Hareruya (Japan) 9-16 07/08/22
Rograkh + Tevesh Szat Matsumoto Sukenao cEDH The 2nd God of Commander Tournament @ Hareruya (Japan) 9-16 18/06/22
Rograkh + Tevesh Szat Matsumoto Sukenao cEDH The 1st God of Commander @ Hareruya (Japan) 3-4 06/03/22
Weenie White Jonathan Sukenik Standard Players Tour Online 4 9-16 21/06/20
Fires of Invention Jonathan Sukenik Standard Grand Prix Richmond 2019 5-8 10/11/19
Jeskai Control Jonathan Sukenik Modern Star City Games Classic Philadelphia 5-8 17/03/19
Jeskai Control Jonathan Sukenik Modern SCG Classic - Baltimore 6 03/02/19
Jeskai Control Jonathan Sukenik Modern Open @ Worcester (MA) 5 13/01/19
Golgari Midrange Jonathan Sukenik Standard GP New Jersey 9-16 28/10/18
Grixis Delver Jonathan Sukenik Legacy Legacy - Pro Tour 25th (Minneapolis) 7 03/08/18
Grixis Delver Jonathan Sukenik Legacy SCG Classic @ Philadelphia 5-8 22/07/18
Red Deck Wins Jonathan Sukenik Standard Pro Tour Dominaria (Richmond) 01/06/18
Grixis Delver Jonathan Sukenik Legacy SCG Legacy Open Worcester 5-8 03/03/18
Temur Energy Jonathan Sukenik Standard Pro Tour Ixalan (Albuquerque) 04/11/17
UW Control Jonathan Sukenik Modern SCG Classic Roanoke 5-8 02/07/17
UWrb Control Jonathan Sukenik Modern SCG Modern - Baltimore 3-4 01/03/15
Gruul Team Suken Standard MTGO Standard Daily (#6800295) 6 02/03/14
RUG Order Jonathan Sukenik Legacy Star City Games Legacy Boston 5-8 21/08/11
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