netdecking with the stars
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35 decks matching
Deck Player Format Event Level Rank Date
Dimir Control rara0 Modern MTGO League 7 25/12/24
Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph Ctararais Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander League 1 19/12/24
Ghyrson Starn, Kelermorph Ctararais Duel Commander MTGO Duel Commander League 6 18/12/24
Golgari / Jund Garden Gianluigi Carrara Pauper 1^ tappa | Lega Mediavalle e Garfagnana 24/25 - Winter Season @ Garfagnana (Italy) 3-4 14/11/24
Dimir Control Gianluigi Carrara Pauper 5^ tappa | Lega Mediavalle 24/25 - Autumn Season @ Garfagnana (Italy) 3-4 10/10/24
Kuldotha Red Gianluigi Carrara Pauper Lega Mediavalle e Garfagnana - 4^ tappa Autumn Season 2024 @ Garfagnana (Italy) 5-8 26/09/24
Dimir Terror Daniele Carrara Pauper 4ª Tappa - Lega Martesana Road to Roma 2024 @ Funside (Treviglio, Italy) 3-4 19/07/24
Azorius Familiar Daniele Carrara Pauper 6th Event Martesana @ Funside (Treviglio, Italy) 5-8 05/04/24
Flicker Tron Daniele Carrara Pauper 5th Event Martesana @ Funside (Treviglio, Italy)) 5-8 29/03/24
Temur Ponza Daniele Carrara Pauper 4th Event Martesana @ Funside (Treviglio, Italy)) 3-4 22/03/24
Temur Ponza Daniele Carrara Pauper 3rd Event Martesana @ Funside (Treviglio, Italy)) 3-4 15/03/24
Dimir Control Daniele Carrara Pauper 1st Event Martesana Tappa 7 @ Funside (Treviglio, Italy) 5-8 01/03/24
Death And Taxes ferarapan Modern MTGO League 2 10/02/24
UrzaTron Donovan Ferrara Modern RCQ 2-Slots @ Denver (CO) 5-8 07/11/23
Caw Gates Carrara Daniele Pauper Top8- 2° Summer Tour Martesana @ Isola dei Titani (Bergamo, Italy) 3-4 23/07/23
Transmogrify rarakkyo Pioneer MTGO Challenge 14 02/07/23
Living End rarakkyo Modern MTGO Challenge 12 04/06/23
Landless Spy rarakkyo Vintage MTGO Challenge 14 04/06/23
Spirit Aggro rarakkyo Pioneer MTGO Last Chance 1 21/03/23
Spirit Aggro rarakkyo Pioneer MTGO League 4 20/03/23
Izzet Murktide Donovan Ferrara Modern RCQ @ Iron Golem Games (Marquette, MI) 5 18/03/23
Dimir Faeries arthuraraujosilva Pauper MTGO League 4 15/03/23
Azorius Familiars Daniele carrara Pauper 7th Event Martesana - Season 6 @ Magic Nexus (Gessate, Italy) 5-8 15/01/23
Spirit Aggro rarakkyo Pioneer MTGO League 6 12/01/23
Gruul Ponza Cristiano Ferrara Pauper Fireball League @ Rome (Italy) 1 14/07/22
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